View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

Exp Points:
38,940 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.00 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


Nickname: Joey

Where do you live?

I'll add youz!

Name: Dazmi

Well, the U.S.

Maybe a connection can happen between the U.S. and UK.

Maybe, but I'll try all available friend codes anyway. :)

8:09 Hands off my BREAD!

My nickname is K Kid, and my friend code is 2019-9766-1806. I'm in the U.S' but we can probably brawl. Oh, and my best characters are Capt. Falcon, Falco, Diddy Kong, and Sonic. Hope you find some powerful brawlers out there.

Ah, Rupee, It's me, Pin. remember that time where we were discussing who was better, me or you? Now we can play it out! just ring me up on AIM (Pin Clock92) so we can brawl.

I don't really check other's newsposts much, but I stumbled on this one and will probably forget about posting this in a week, so AIM is the way to go when communicating with me.

Anyways...My FC:5327-0561-5134.

See you on the battlefeild,
~Kirbykrew/Pin Clock

Uhh hey Rupee
It would be great if a clock crew member could contribute to this NG Poster here:
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/892124">http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/8 92124</a>

You could post it in there, respond and describe what you want to be on there (such as, just draw rupeeclock on there) or by PM.

Please ;D.

why hello, my good sir. might i become yo pal?

i got no wii...


but i hope that doesnt stops my friendship

I am still amazed at all the hilarious crap people can get with taking snapshots. Almost 200 hours of gameplay for me and I haven't taken 1 snapshot ;_;

I live on the west coast of the U.S. (Oregon) so I doubt a Brawl would be realistic, but my FC is 2836-0203-7183 Name: JOJO ...Dang, I'm sick of playing noobs who I keep wiping the floor with. I want to play someone who can kick my ass and make me feel like I suck, haha.

Well, who knows? I might be good.
I kick level 9 ass all the time.

LoZ: Wind waker rox!
Is Toon Link kewl?

Toon Link is awesome.

i cant wait to kik ur butt with wario,sonic,lucario,link,captin falcon,fox,snake,meta knight,and pokemon trainer ill pm u my friend code plus i might pm u someothers

Yeah, yeah.

how do you get brawl in the UK?

I imported it.


I would Brawl with you, but there's a big space between US and UK. My Main is R.O.B., then Sonic, then Metaknight, then Mario, and finally, Lucario. Yes, I use him to.

Where is everyone getting those single shotted pics of Brawl Chars at? Like that Lucario one you used to have.

Hey, my good pal Rupee! Nice video, Ive seen most of them on brawlsnapshots (which is a great site, anyone who's a brawl fan should seriously join-even if you don't take pictures there are some really neat ones they have there). Also, there is a way to get rid of lag (no matter where you live), all you have to do is go to the sound test, and turn the sounds effects nob all the way to the left, which turns off music. With the music off there isn't much lag (unless you're playing characters with high quality entrances such as bowser) so it has little effect on where anyone lives. Other than the fact that I've played with people from the U.K. before and there's no lag.

Anyway, here's my code-2492-3778-0556

I'll brawl with you anytime, Poltergeist claims that you're really good.

I am pretty good, but if there's enough lag, I start to suck badly, believe me.
I beat the crap out of level 9's all the time.

I'd love to play you sometime, thanks for the lag tip!

Ya know, once Brawl was released I IMEDIATELY went on your profile to view blogs, but I didn't coment until...now.

You may have seen my animation series once in a while. I am Mangostenmaster. You probably know me from one of my reviews. Please respond to the following:

As you have seen it, when my 1st flashes came out, the were not so great... You may have seen the last 4 sprite flashes. Now those 4 were different. I need an experts view. An experts view of my sprite flashes. If you have the time, please watch my last for GWC sprite flashes and vote accordingly to how good the flash is to you (remember, I am only a noob. I am not like you or STRAWBeRRY clock.) After that, please give me a review. I am not a spammer so notice that. (you could do any one of my flashes or any combination. Please do the latest flash though) If you feel generous, please post on you page to vote 5 on my animations. I need help from an expert. Please; listen to me and RESPOND. (remember that I am only a starter on flash and a 13 year old. (PLEASE RESPOND)

ruppe watch my sprit movi plz :(

nickname- afro
brawl fc-3866-8466-3355
anyone feel free to add me i live in england by the way i main king dedede and olimar if anyone wants a match just pm me

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