View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Agreed agreed AGREED...!

I absolutely HATE summer! I hate going outside during the summer because it's so frickin hot (& I have a hard time living without the outdoors)
Winter is awesome where I live. It's not too hot & not too cold either, & the only time it gets below freezing is late at night. Although, it never snows... I wish it would snow here...

You're really obsessed with Lucario aren't you?

Heh, I dunno, Lucario was just awesome and I'm still hoping for him in brawl.

Well I hate summer because it is hot and humid...and I'm always forced to work at my uncle's horse ranch (cleaning horse stalls). Fall was always my favorite season because it was comfortab;e and somewhat dry, plus the trees and skies look better.

Oh definitely, you still get some warm days with Autumn too, but they're nice warm days.

You liked the rainy days? I'd assume that with all of the heat, it would feel like a humid oven.

Nah, see it rains when there's a release of high pressure in the atmosphere, the high pressure is also responsible for warmth.

When the high pressure goes, it rains and cools down.

I prefer winter too, cause I love snow (yay), but I don't hate summer :
here are the holidays.
Why Lucario ?

Lucario? Because I saw his movie recently, he's actually a pretty damn good character to come out of the pokémon franchise.

I also think he would go great in Brawl, check one of my past new posts.

I never liked summer either! and I hate being sweaty! you never do stop posting pics of lucario though do you?

Meh, I just felt like it this time.

I usually post something relevant.


summer isnt that good. sure you have ALOT of free time, but in reality, its not a good season. we need winter or autumn. ooooooo look at the pretty leafs........watch them fall.....and eventully get crushed by small children.

Haha, you can only really jump on the leaves if they're dry, a lot of the time they're wet here.

Nice Lucario.

It's just a downloaded picture.

If it wasn't for the fact that there's no school during the summer, I'd say it's my least favorite season =6

Heh, when you do and don't attend school has no bearing on the seasons.

A<a href="http://www...">www...</a>, Too bad that you didn't enjoy the summer weather. I too also perfer cloudy rainy days over cloudless sunny days. Mainly because I live in Oregon. Maybe you could fly over here and frolic in the fabulous Oregon weather with me! If you don't mind.

Nah, we get a lot of that kind of weather in the UK too.

That's weird- I don't really like rain much... I like the sound it makes though.

Each to their own.

I think all seasons are good. Personally i like winter better because my birthday is in the winter!

Then, you don't really like Winter for being Winter do you?

No i still like winter for being winter, that is a just a highlight.

oh god, Lucario in Brawl is like, so freakin' awsome! Let's just pray and send thousands of letters to Nintendo. They might listen to us!

I Did'not now that you liked Super smash bros.Brawl!
I Youst read the news post.
I like brawl to and i also Wich that lucario gose to brawl.
I think hes gona replais mew2.

Summer sucks, but the holidays are great! Hahahaha!

Haha, yeah the lack of school is AWESOME.

Well, If You don't like summer in england, I'm pretty sure that summer her in Austin would be your personal second circle of hell. Strangely, It didn't once get over 90 degrees (farenheit) and rained about three times a week. Lawns were GREEN. Anyways, here's how the seasons go here.
1. Spring. Warm, humid, about two weeks long.
2. Summer. Really hot and about 2/3 of the year. 98 degrees is normal. Good thing we got air conditioning.
3 .Fall. The best season. about 75 degrees, nice and relaxing. Standard season length.
4. Winter. gets really cold but doesn't snow more than once a year. Just plain annoying, but we got holidays.

And that's what life is like here in Austin. rainy weather=great.