View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

Exp Points:
38,940 / 100,000
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Vote Power:
10.00 votes
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Sound like the poison shooms of Linky land.

The bane of my giant's wallet, as it were.

God I keep on finding them on Harrow island.

The trick is to save your game before you start digging, and keep saving after each time you've made a profit since you've started digging. (Going below your peak money and saving would be a bad idea.)

i smell like shit. just lettin you know.

Great, thanks for the warning, now I can ban you from commenting again.

They look so edible and fruity.

I dare you to try and eat a tasty looking gem.

Say... If I give you, Rupeeclock, All seven chaos emeralds and maybe even the master one, What would you turn into? I want something cute if possible... Come on! Those things are really hard to find! >=(

btw I love these jelly bean rupees, Looks so very tasty.

I'd turn into a gigantic dick

What the hell are you talking about they do not look like jelly beans they look like rupees.

I like the colors & the shinyness.

A bag of jelly beans, a bag of rupees, they'd both be small, colourful and assorted. :3

And in both cases, I don't like the black ones, bleck.

I got 2,953 with 9 Rupoors. (Do they have an actual value?)


3,152 Rupees and 8 rupoors, anyways... why don't you make a Link flash? I haven't seen any good ones that was made in a while. Like something about rupees getting revenge for too much trading or something... I don't know... I'm not very creative about flash or anything at that manner. Anyways i'll juggle a few ideas around and see what comes out. (And hopefuly good ones to)

Way off.

I do have one idea involving Rupee and Link, but I'd rather not do it for a long time because I want to do something about the CC, not me.

Very nice! The red rupees are a bit pale, though. :3 I love the new picture, too.

If only Nintendo would start selling rupee hard candy...

I wonder what flavor rupoors would be? :S

Rupee hard candy would be kick ass.
Yeah, the red one is a bit pale, that's for sure.

The rupoor? Probably something healthy, stealing your calories, ick.

Damn rupoors!!
The worst is when you find giant rupoors D:

nice job on the graphics by the way, they look great!!

i'll leave you with that
-giant gold rupees FTW

Oddly enough, I've been lucky enough to find a giant rupoor, just a big one.

RupoorClock should arise and attempt murder upon you. It'd make an interesting Halloween flash, albeit breif in the time given...

Fuck Halloween.

I would eat one of them, they looks like candies :D
Wish for you Link dosn't will find never this header btw.

i counted 74 rupees (rupoors included.) kinda sad they dont have clocks on them, ah well, they look very edible, just need some mountain dew to was them down, oh, they look more like pills thank jelly beans. :D

Hmmm, it seems that you are fucking with these people, making them guess how many Jelly Bean-like Rupees are in your jar/header, whence their attempts are futile.

You'll never trap me in your candy counting mind game!


Assuming that rupoors take away 10 rupees each, I counted 2,623 total. And I'm probably wrong.

I was bored =(

Pretty close.

Those rupees look AMAZING! So shiny and nice...
You could work for Nintendo with that art.

Are you getting GH3 for the wii, it LOOKS awesome.

Mind not using abbreviations, for people out of the loop?

yeah these rupees are nice, really nice. the rupoors are a pain though on TLOZ:PH i dont go to harrow island much except for the odd buried treasure map but thats it i gat my rupees by going through the last 3 floors of temple of the ocean king over and over since u get 600 rupees alltogether (if you have phantom sword)

I get my rupees by playing the arrow shooting minigame, you can win ship parts that sell for 1500 or 800 each if you score 2000 points.

I really wish I could play Hourglass, but I lost my fucking DS... Maybe I'll win the Nintendo Power poll thing and get a Lite...

I have to agree, they do look like jelly beans. What are the value of those three gems anyway?

Heh, do your research.

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