View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Dude, how did you frontpage this? Didn't passed a week and you did already. Anyway... I want Sonic in it XD Let's send cards to Sega D:

*cough* I sould be sleeaping, I know sorry :P Night!

Nah, I didn't make a frontpage post yet.

Cards to Sega sounds good.

Only actual video game character should be in brawl, except for jokes, like putting someone like Foamy in it for kicks.

If Foamy got in, I'd never buy it because IWP would be getting fucking money from me.

I hope they say yes, the chances look high.

I already have 50 bucks saved up for the game :P

Awesome, lets hope you can hold onto that for abour 4 months. :3

Man, that's the only reason I bought a Wii. Brawl looks kickass, and adding Sonic will only make it better.

Melee was a great reason to get a Gamecube too. :)

Sorry I didn't see this sooner (I was working). I am glad you brought this to our attention Rupee! I am gonna die happy if Sonic ends up getting in Brawl! I wonder if we will get other characters from his universe (maybe as assist tropies) like Tails and Shadow! :D

Well, Sonic will have to be unlocked since he is third party (this is already confirmed), so assist trophies actually seem unlikely, unless they can also be unlocked.

Is a Wii the only next-gen console you own Rupee? Nintendo is the only way I go. BTW if you get Brawl I'll be happy to fight you on Wi-Fi.

PROVIDED that Brawl gets online, sure. :)

Yes, I only own a Wii, the 360 doesn't interest me too much but it would be nice to own one.
The PS3 can go fuck itself with it's £425 price tag, even without such a high price I wouldn't want one since I've never been a fan of sony games, and sony have done some awful things lately like shut down lik-sang.

Yeah, I saw this posted on the NSider forums recently. This is pretty cool shit

I'm probably gonna make Snake my main. I owned PS2, and I loved the MGS games

My main depends really on who I'm best with, and for the past 2 games, that's been good old Pikachu. :)

I'm pretty sure they will have online. Reggie said something about "Brawling Online" at E3 this year at the Nintendo Press Conference.

Sounds good.

Asides from Sonic's inclusion, online play could make or break this title.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
My opinion is no, just because if I say no, it will usually happen.
So reverse psychology here. ;)

Reverse psychology doesn't really apply to sales and marketing, it works better on mis-behaving children.

I don't believe Reggie said specifically that Brawl would be online, but it was featured with games that include online play, like Mario Kart Wii and Metal of Honor

I really think that online play could make this game, considering it is one of Nintendo's few weakpoints so far

Yeah, a lot of the online games lack standard chat rooms before playing the game, but I thought Pokémon battle revolution fixed the problem of not being able to battle random people, so...

Dude that's amazing! O.o
Thanks for bringing this to people's attention

Are you in the 'official' clock crew? You got some nice stuff ;)

They better bring back Falco.. If not.. Well... SSBB won't be released due to Sakurai's sudden disapearance...

Well, today is the 21st so if they are referring to July, I cant wait to check the site next thursday =D

Yes, i'm an official clock.

That's cool :)
Nice job on your bytesize, how do you get the voices like in that and in CC Humble Beginnings (Which was amazing XD)

It's a program called Speakonia, google it.

SSB is a great game. Unfortunately, the new and better one is coming out only for Wii. That's too bad! 'Cause I really wanted to play as Solid Snake... My friend's gonna get it though :D

P.S Not too much of a fan for Sonic!

Well, the Gamecube is practically dead anyway.

And if you don't like Sonic, this will be your chance to beat the crap out of him. ;)

Speaking of Battle Revolution, I thought it was kinda cheap. The online feature isn't that good but at least I can battle my friends without having to go to their houses.

Well, I'm not gonna buy it for that reason, but random encounters with actual people are nice.

Damn if they put Sonic in SSBB it would rock. Maybe they would add Knuckles and Shadow too ( I like Knuckles)

and i have to answer one thing about IWP, I highly doubt that Miyamoto has ever heard of him, and I highly doubt that IWP himself would ever accept that Foamy becomes a game player (else he would be giving half of the profit that he makes from selling DVDs to Nintendo do to the fact that when a character is placed on a video game it automatically becomes theirs as well). (also rumour has it that Jonhatan Matters himself refused to accept some contract from a TV company that wanted to do a "test-run" to see if it was successful.

And to finish this crappy long comment (cus I probably bored you by now), I don't think that if Foamy would ever be allowed on a SSB game he would be allowed to rant....cus gamers want to game not rant XD

Hmmm.....I wonder what would happen if I made a fighting game Mortal Kombat style with Foamy with it?


All the foamy faggots would like that shit up and normal people will just not buy it.

hmmm good point =P

but still it would be fun to give foamy a fatality, no?
all i need is to find a really good actionscript tutorial about fighting games......or one about platform games

YES! About time someone said something about Sonic in Brawl! WOOT!

And who better to hear from than Sakurai? :)

Well, Sega actually, haha.

sega should say yes. because mario is going to be in a game made by sega. so if sonic is in brawl. then it would even it out... right?

Well yes, that and it would be a good use of both the characters as well.

First off, I'm hoping for no online play. Only because of internet lag I would hate to have them sacrific game play for it. Also, the great Reggie said the Wii would play DVD Disks and well, the don't play DVD movies.. I so wanted to buy a Wii/DVD player for my Grandmother how cool would that be to use the Wii Pointer to play DVDs. Also I'm hoping for Sonic in Brawl.. I can't wait for that game. Another cool feature I want would be having your Mii be a playable character. I think some how that might be linked to the Animal Crossing Level with the leaf icon. So long until Dec 3rd in the US.. UG.

Don't be fucking stupid, internet lag can interfere online but any online is better than no-online.
And wow, using the Wiimote to play DVD's? That's like, using a regular remote to play DVDs.

I agree. SBC MUST be in brawl!

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