View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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38,940 / 100,000
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Well, I know what you man. I been playing videogames like Paper Mario instead of coming up with good ideas. But some are still floating in my head. You mostly need to work on projects like for christmas or Valientines day or whatever. anyway, I'm glad to see you again after a while. :)

P.S: I fixed my flashes. Check them out sometime.

Are you sure arent you making it? ;D

In my honest opinion, I think you need to create a flash that isn't Clock related. Yeah, I know it's your thing right now, but I miss the good ol' days of Frozen_Fox. That's where I first heard of you. Not just the sprite pieces, but animations like My Name is Kyle were simply fun to watch. Then all of the sudden, BAM! RupeeClock. Your work is admired by a lot of people, but that also means that idiots who jump on the "hate the Clocks" bandwagon don't give your movies a change because of your name and what you represent.

Simply put, your Clock movies are great, but you have real potential to create something better. :)

I've always had to work with themes really, be it video games, clocks, whatever.

Stop slacking off you slacker.


You never struck me as a person who would like Megaman.

Anyway, yeah like the TITROTU said, maybe you should just brainstorm random ideas. You'll eventually come up with something.

Huh, I guess you never watched Tails and his GBA 3 or The Megaman Collab I took part in.

Don't you ":'(" me mister


Yeah I'm a bit of a video game fanatic as well so I know what it's like.
Maybe you can make a game with your animated characters in it like a fight for Clock day. Would that help?

Fuck flash movies were favoured characters just fight each other.

I have an idea. Instead of playing Megaman ZX Advent (you lucky), make a flash about it perhaps.

That's about as original as 90% of newgrounds...

I loved Untitled, make another crasy improvised flash.

Would you reccommend me importing Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland?

I'm thinking of doing another Untitled-2.fla, it could work well.

I'd definitely recommend Rupeeland to anyone who likes doing money making sorts of tasks like in animal crossing.

you should make rupee land movie then a game it star you it,s your land
can do whatever you wanted to do so think about it.

"RupeeClock's Business Meeting"
RupeeClock holds a meeting to try to increase CC respect. As you may expect, the meeting doesn't go too well...

That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Make a mountain dew flash with rupee doing some thing extreme then saying
"Dew the dew!"

Thats classic.

I'm not fucking american.

Try organize a collab this time?

There's no way in hell I'd organise a collab.

A partnered collab with you sounds good though.

If you hate being mistaken for an American so much, make a short about being british. Then, no more understandings!

...Although it DOES clearly say in your location that you are in Portsmouth, so I guess you're intitled to hate anyone that doesn't pay attention to that sort of thing...

Really, a news post? No, i don't think so.

yeah! untitled-2.fla is a good idea! I also need to get out of only making movies for special days two! But I'm just a beginer and my flashes have started taking about 3 days! And we ALL got the idea that your not making tails and his GBA 4!

do something just for the sake of it, no story, something like fagbags exodus, something wild

You know, I don't think I've seen fagbags exodus, huh.

How about... Something along the lines of you, RupeeClock, having multiple personalities for each different color of your self?

I dont know... I just thought of that because of the header you have :\

I'd rather avoid doing something RupeeClock centric, I already did that for SleepEasy recently.

yup, leek's best flash, I think something like that would be good for you, expand your fbf and try different themes

How about a game? I don't think you made a game yet...

No! Wait! How about you make a movie where you meet, or some mad scientist clones you to make an evil twin!

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