View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Perhaps you should mention that Zero Suit Samus is not really a seperate character from Samus, but rather a transformation. Also, Snake isn't on your list. Por Que?

In regards to Yoshi, I'm real happy about that. The roster is coming along nicely, and he's certainly a long-awaited addition

Zero Suit Samus is regarded as a new comer on the official website, so I'm classifying her as a separate character.

http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/ch aracters/index.html

And in regards to your query about Snake, read the whole post: He's 3rd party, therefore not part of the starting roster!

Ah, I didnt know you checked out Dojo. Yes, Yoshi was announced and is part of the starting roster, with a new move I think? Something about using a launched egg to make him jump higher? I don't know, it's been a while since I played Melee so I don't remember some of his moves, and I never used him. On another note, though it is pretty cool to have Zero Suit Samus, I think she isn't needed. I mean, it shows the true power of her Zero Laser, but I feel like the main reason she was added is for sex appeal, though she does seem pretty badass (super fast and that neat laser whip...thing).

Same move, it just lets him recover now.

Still i hope Sonic is a character. It's said that theres still a 75% chance of that happening, so i hope its true XD


So do I man, so do I...

Hmmm i guess its fair that snake has to be unlocked before one can play with him.
all we have to see is if they put Sonic or not in the game....and if i were Sega they should. After all those attempts in turning Sonic from 2D to 3D have made him look bad, the least they could do is make him fight in SSBB

Yeah, Sega should just take a hint already and just make 2d sonic games.

The jump from 2D to 3D was a horrible mistake for Sonic, and the recent games prove it.
Sonic the Hedgehog on Xbox 360: when there were one of those skateboard ramp thingies you could literally put down the controller for 20 secs.
Sonic and the secret rings: It wasn't bad but the game play still sucked....and i really can't help it that some of the levels were taken from prince of persia (i'm well aware that sonic is in the arabian nights story)

Well, maybe not necessarily the jump to 3d, but staying 3d, you know?

Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were alright.

You forgot Solid Snake! They announced him a while ago, not on the site yet though, but in the preview..anyway, my favorite characters were always Link, Samus, and Marth. I own with Marth, but I doubt they'll put him in this one..


For the love of God, do not put Sonic in SSBM! It's bad enough they added Snake! I have absolutely nothing against these characters, exept that they will ruin mash Bros. I remember when the 1st one came out everyone was blown away by the fact that our favorite Nintendo characters could play together for the first time. Melee stayed true to that concept, and only added Nintendo characters. Brawl changes that saying anyone can join. If that's what their going for we coud see anyone in SSB4. Imagine playing as Tony Hawk, just because Pro Skater was on N64.
I think the hype for Sonic is just retarded.

You realise that Snake only got in because of the request of his creator, and Sonic may only get in due to extremely popular demand?
As a matter of fact, Snake would've been in Melee had it not been for time constraints!

We may only see the extremely popular, retro characters get in as 3rd party, don't fool yourself, Tony Hawk would never get in.

Tomorrow can be a BIG day for Sonic fans or it can maybe be the day where all them gets pissed because of SEGA. Sega fans pissed by Sega... Quite Ironic... PLEASE SEGA SAY YES T_T!!! Im only thinking they will say no...

It could be yes, it could be no, or it could even be no answer at all, it's just a rumor remember, although even if it was quietly confirmed, hmm...

I didnt know you liked smash bros... assuming your page, your gonna try yoshi when you first play it? and to PaulStetich, they aren't putting sonic in, it's a known fact, AND, the only reason they put snake in is because they initially had plans for him in melee but sony wouldnt let them, sony gave in for brawl. who is evryone gonna try 1st? im going for metaknight.

No, Yoshi was never my main, infact Pikachu was, followed by Link.

And don't spread any bullshit about "known facts."

Furthermore, your reasoning for snake is even more bullshit, Sony has no control over Konami!!

I've never heard of these characters:
Zero Suit Samus (Exept i know samus but not the suit she wears in this, or is it her normal uniform?)
anyways, i'd love to see this game and try it out! Why isn't snake in it? also, i think you should include sonic, because i still think he's cool!

Pit: From the NES game Kid Icarus (Try it on www.virtualnes.com
Metaknight: From the Kirby Series
Zero Suit Samus: In particular, from Metroid Zero Mission, you actually play a small part of the game with Zero Suit Samus.

Snake isn't in the list because... READ THE WHOLE DAMN POST.
And it's not up to me to include sonic...

Just sharing what i know, about the sonic thing as for the konami/sony thing, my mistake

It sure is a good thing that Yoshi is being given a third jump. Maybe more people will play him now :)

Oh and I bet Luigi is going to be a starter in Brawl. I mean, Captain Falcon and Ness were in Melee, but not Luigi and Jigglypuff. I dunno, just a hunch

Eh, I don't think Luigi would be a starter, he had to be unlocked in the previous two titles.

well seems there are just the "usual" characters either snake or sonic goes in there i hope they do but why sonic idc about him! sonics great and all but i just wanna pre order this game ASAP!!!! im sure everyone does!

Your lack of grammar deeply confuses me.

LOL, I only used Tony Hawk as an example. I would very quickly boycot Nintendo if he appeared as a playable character.

K..I read it again, and I see that now, and lol at the endnote..

Completely agree, I thought that Yoshi should have been made next. It's about time ANY new character was made. I have a SSBB discussion at MY page too. About Zero suit Samus, I think that she will be a new character, just as Dr. Mario was a separate character than his alter ego.

Well, Yoshi is not necessarily new, just re-confirmed, but still good to have him back.

Zero Suit Samus however has already be confirmed to be a transformation as the result of Samus' final smash.

BTW, according to post 5, this is the last day for sonic in Brawl.

Well, remember that was just a rumor, it's possible it was never true.
Maybe an update tomorrow? Very unlikely.

Im so pumped for that game. By the way- what do you think of Link? I gatta buddy who has used nothing but that character and has perfected his skill with Link- and he and I have actually done little nerdy tests to see if hes the best or not. We put link and the other CPU characters all at the highest level and watched them duke it out. NO MATTER WHO we pinned him up against Link always won the fight. Its a weird question but Im just wondering what some other people might think of the character. I mean, it makes pretty good sense. Hes got decent speed-strong blows-and simple yet powerful moves. BUT UNBEATABLE?? I dont know about that one. I plan to put that shit to the test.

Well, I assure you that he is certainly beatable if he's just facing level 9 computer opponents. I mean, human competitors would be considered like level 20-30 at times.

I hope I see Ganondorf in there. man just imagine how awesome he would. Look also I gotta see sonic in brawl.

Yoshi has always been a favourite of mine since the the 1st Smash Brothers. Also, if the new Smash Brothers has Wi-Fi, I would so play a game with you, Rupee. :D

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