So, I decided to invest in a USB Gecko for it's hacking.
It's a device for the Wii that enables homebrew and hacking, I mostly got it for it's cheat code function.
The result? I can pull shit I couldn't have pulled before on Smash Brothers, such as playing as the dark characters that appear in the Subspace emissary, neat eh?
You can see what I've taken so far here: s/tag?tag=usb+gecko
So far, this includes the characters from the great maze being playable, the shadow bug forms being playable, and playing on normally unplayable stages, hopefully I'll be taking some more interesting snapshots soon, I think it might be possible execute multiple final smashes if I'm lucky.
I should try learning how to create cheat codes actually, maybe then I'll be able to do even better things?
Wow, hacking Brawl...
You know you're a nerd when. :/
This is the internet, welcome to it.