View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Oh my Phoenix Wright, you never fail to entertain me.

Posted by RupeeClock - August 23rd, 2007

Gyakuten Saiban 3, otherwise known as Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney, Trials and Tribulations is the long awaited sequel to the popular series for the Nintendo DS, just yesterday the game was released in japan complete with an english option.

Needless to say, I obtained a copy ASAP since I loved the previous two games, and I've been playing it non-stop.

As usual, the game succeeds to complement it's predecessors with the humorous characters, interesting twists and interesting cultural references.
Whilst, like many capcom games (especially when looking at the megaman series), the game recycles much of the music, engine and graphics, but frankly I don't care because the core gameplay is exactly the same, and it was great before.
Really, it does feel like not one bit of the gameplay as changed, but I could care less since the actual plotline so far has failed to dissapoint.

Asides from the whole scenario of murder cases and cross examinations, there has always been odd interesting bits included during investigation, if you are a Phoenix Wright fan, get a copy as soon as you can. :)
If you aren't, try it out! But start from the first game, Ace Attorney, otherwise games 2 and 3 won't make much sense.

Now before I finish off this post, three things.

1: I do plan to make another short FBF movie soon, maybe.
2: I hate Phoenix Wrong, it holds no relevance to Phoenix Wright, it's just lipsyncing downloaded audio.
3: Noooo! 1337aZnPrInceeeeeSz!!

Edit: Hah, I've already completed the game, it was simply superb.

Oh my Phoenix Wright, you never fail to entertain me.



But yeah, I do enjoy the Phoenix Wright series. I played the first two that were available in the US. I doubt I'll import the 3rd one from Japan though, I'm of the opinion that it's pointless to pay extra for a game that's bound to come out in the states eventually.

What's your favorite turnabout? I personally enjoyed the 4th one from the 1st game. Edgeworth's father is probably my favorite character from the series, since he seems to be based upon Atticus Finch, a defense attorney from one of my favorite books called "To Kill A Mockingbird". Finishing up DL-6 is quite a rush, too.

Haha, my favourite is case 1-5 "Rise from the ashes"

Although it's technically not a turn-about, is it?

Oh, and importing, is actually a little cheaper if you live in the UK like me. :)

I bought Ace Atorney and Trials and Tribulations both about three weeks ago. I figured I'd try it out since it was pretty well known. I honestly thought I wouldn't like it, but it's interesting and challenging at times while being pretty funny at times (Sal Monella's 1337 talk). I like the forth Turnabout from Ace Atorney mostly because I really had no idea how it would turn out, and I didn't know how I could prove the the defendant's (no spoiler) innocence. You would really have to think out the box to come up with that conclusion to a crime in real life.

Omg, Leet!


what's phoenix wright and what's phoenix wrong?

Phoenix Wright is a series of games where you play as a defence attorney solving murder cases.
Phoenix Wrong is a series of flash animations that make use of animations from Phoenix Wright, but just animate them to some downloaded humorous sound clips.

Weird, I wrote even more than the comment it was here... It was:
'I wonder if they will use LEET in here... What about at Japan?'

That's weird.

Well I doubt it anyway, when games are localised and all.

lmao 1337aZnPrInceeeeeSz

I've never played any of the Phoenix Wright games. Can't find any of them anywhere. =/

They can be tough to come by, you're better off using an online retailer like www.play-asia.com

They stock all 3 Phoenix Wright titles right now.

I just got the first one, and before I got it i really didn't think much of it, but since it has 3 parts, it can't be that bad, now, I'm freaking hooked, I'm at the fourth case. but, then I look at this, coincidence? Also, I already ordered the 2nd one :P.

Lol i wish i have a DS and Phoenix Wright. Oh well.
Hey i happened to see Princess Peach's moves in SSBB and from one of the pics available she is seen using Toad against Bowser either as an attack move or as a shield. Further proof that even Peach hates Toad XD

Rupee, I sent a message to you regarding how to join the CC. But u still haven't replied to me. How come? I rly want to join the CC, though I may not submit anything for a while. Also, my friend itsamadhouse would like to join CC as well. He has already made flashes for Clock Day, and I think he would make a great addition to the CC. If I join the CC, I want to make a sub-group of it called the KKRT, the Kitty Krew Resistence Team. They only submit spam into the portal and I think it should be stopped, like many other right-minded users here on NG. All but 1 of there submissions completely sucked, the KK Beatdown was decent, other than that theyre spammers. If I was Tom, I would permanently delete their accounts. Like a lot of the groups, they are only copying the original gang, the CC. I also like LL, but CC rules. I'm sorry to anyone else who has other opinions, I am only stating what I believe and/or what is true. I have ideas for my character already, and so does my friend. Plz tell me how to join Rupee, and I will not disappoint you or the CC. I have always wanted to join the CC.

If you were Tom, you'd be too kind to delete their accounts.

I'll tell you why I haven't replied, because nobody can fucking figure out how to visit a website!

That wallpaper in the middle looks like a MUDKIP!! Is it?

That's the blue badger and the pink badger.

reminds me of sal manella O__O

i may be new but i am a great cc fan i would join and my dude would be either pizza clock or tv clock but i cant because i cant submit my own flash my computer sucks.

Badger = Awesomeness

I hear Capcom is making another Law series similar to Phoenix Wright, but with different characters. This is just a rumor so don't take my word for it.

This is already proven to be true actually, it's Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law.

http://www.gametrailers.com/playe r/22930.html

To be fair though, the game looks as for to be poor, featuring bad looking menus to interact with and really gimped animation.
At least it has Guile.

Wow...that doesn't look like a game, it looks more like a "Saturday TV Funhouse" cartoon. It looks more like a parody of Phoenix Wright than an actual game.

Have you ever actually watched Harvey Birdman on adult swim? The animation and humour is superb, and it's done in flash!

Sounds good, but I don;t like the idea of making it into that game. I might change my mind if it turns out to be a good game. I can tell it's definately gonna be hilarious from the short video. Guile...lol