View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Somebody explain this one to me.

Posted by RupeeClock - September 9th, 2007

How the fuck can someone be so stupid?
Please, someone explain this one to me.
Who the hell gets this sort of idea from watching a sprite movie like this.

Somebody explain this one to me.


At the begin I was thinking Sonic touched himself at the Gamepack. That's not good... Then I said, TIME PARADOX, but that reply you made started to confusse me hahaha. Who talked about sex actually? That's furry? Oh well... What on the heart?!

Heh, he must've thought it was "bad touching"

And then there's good touching like the DS.

I honestly dont know, i guess hes just really fucking stupid

That would be the best explanation, but how he got so fucking stupid is beyond me.

I really dont now Rupee.
I guess ther are realy stuped people in the crasy world we live in.

"I really don't know Rupee.
I guess there are really stupid people in this crazy world we live in."

Hey stop repiting what i sey! :(

"Hey, stop repeating what I say!"

This kind of makes me laugh. I hope he didn't really think thats what happened. -_-;

I could understand maybe if he watched GBA 3, when Tails says that "Sonic touched himself", but here? It makes no sense.

Dunno, Maybe he is a sex maniac. Or maybe he is a kitty krew allie.

Don't be stupid.

I lol'd with the 'Retrato' conversation. He is the same dude I wasn't able to understand. I told you about him before, remember? hahaha.

Haha, yeah, I know.

I just noticed you put this on your sig at CC. Is it really that good? lol

Well some things really are worth sharing.

LMAO, what the hell?

Such a silly fellow he is, I must say.

Ya, I hope he sees this too.

that's pretty odd! where the smeg did he get that from?

smeg? Haha, do you even know what smegma is?

Im warning you!

"I'm warning you!"


Finally, you posted something with perfect grammar!

Albeit a short sentence.

i was joking

For gods sakes Retrato, fuck off.

You don't repeatedly bother people like this, it's called "harassment"

Hey im weslon;I work for Retrato you now the leader of the hayabusa clan.
Eniway my Master left a note for you.
Dear Rupee:
That chivi guy was not my.Hes youst a member of are clan.
Im sorry for the"herasment" that i caused.
Please forgive my!PLEASE!!! :(
Your 1 of my favorite artist you cant blam my!
And that was what my master wanted to say.

For the love of god, SHUT THE FUCK UP.

i don no man i ges dats how teenagerz tok dese days u no

wer livn n a strange sociyte whar igneranz iz apploded n lak f gramer iz 1 f da many rekcuiremintz f joinen d bandwagin

Fuck, I don't know how these cunts do it. I feel like shooting myself.

For a minute there, I thought you were actually one of them!

He touched himself.


He's just an idiot...
As indictacted by the word 'random' in his name.

You got a point, "EvilerBowser"

Now you can feel dirtier with your Nintendo WiiRemote! It contains RUMBLE and special "penis nunchucko" (the last solds in sex shop)!

"Suxaxis" don't have it - lolololololololololololololololololol ololol

ROFL at the response

Lol, the stuff people put in reviews, like "Join the Face Facade".

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