View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Super Smash Bros Brawl: WIFI PLAY CONFIRMED.

Posted by RupeeClock - September 18th, 2007




They've confirmed Wifi play with Smash Bros Dojo's 100th site update, FANTASTIC!
They've even done it in the best ways possible to compensate for the friendcode system!

For one, you can add friends through the usual 12 digit system, no complaints here.
In addition to that, you can set a username and icon to display, as well as a little message and some pre-set taunt messages, very nice.

As for playing against random people, you won't know who you're playing again which makes things interesting, will you play a total pro or a beginner? People won't disconnect just because you have a brilliant win record either, since there isn't one. (When I played Mario Kart DS a lot, I had 392 wins and 9 losses, no joke.)
I imagine the anonymity thing also helps one other thing that Sakurai pointed out: Increased distances between players causes lag which can't be avoided. If playing against random people, i'd be more concerned about kicking their ass rather than who they are and talking to them during the match.

All in all, this is going to be the best smash bros ever, I can say this from personal experience too actually! You see, using emulators and such, you can play Super Smash Bros 64 on the PC and even play it ONLINE with other people, with the right equipment. I've done it a number of times with my friends and it's so damn fun. (The only problem is that everyone on the server I was playing with were absolute pros.)

So yeah, I am SO looking forward to this now, although I still hope that Lucario gets into Brawl, since I still think he could be a great figher.

And hey, you get to beat the shit out of sand bag whilst you wait, which is awesome since you do get bored waiting for that Mario Kart wifi waiting process. ;)

Super Smash Bros Brawl: WIFI PLAY CONFIRMED.


I absolutely hate today's update. In fact, I would even call it the website's worst update yet. Because of the way the game is set up, there's pretty much no way that game can have a real community.

I hate how random people won't be able to know my user name nor will they be able to say anything to me. When I play with random people, I like having the option of being able to communicate with them. Even though they haven't confirmed if headset support will be in the game, I doubt it'll be in it considering how they have obnoxious text bubbles as a way to communicate with friends.

It's like Nintendo is trying their damnedest to appeal towards parents. The Wii has parental controls for a reason. If a parent is worried about their child talking with strangers, they should be able to set up the parental controls to not allow their kids to have that ability. That way, everyone is happy.

IGN even took a poll asking if gamers wanted headset and voice chat for Wii's online games. Over 98% of the voters said yes. That right there should be enough of a reason to include headset support in Brawl.

This sad news doesn't mean I won't play Brawl's online mode. A bunch of users from a different community that was formed on a different video game will all probably share friend codes and communicate through our PS2s as we play Brawl. I find that fucking sad how a lot of people will probably do that just because Nintendo is stubborn. Maybe the Wii is just too successful for them. They had to fuck something up.

Get over it, so you can't communicate with the people, you couldn't in Mario Kart DS either and it never bothered a lot of people.

Besides, you know how voice chat would rape the bandwidth and cause lag? You have no fucking idea how wifi works.

I personally like the anonymity since I can just fight people.

Nintendo just made the internet orgasm.

Damn straight they did.

You know I want a Wii, this game and a unofficial wifi thing NOW >.>

Same, except I already have the Wii. :)

If I had Wi-Fi this would be freaking amazing...


It would be amazing without the wifi, haha.

december 3rd is too long to wait :(

Heh, I've waited longer.

Voicechat would be theoretically cumtastic, but you explained why that would not work. Ah well, seems awesome either way. Now, I shall continue sitting in anticipation for SSBB.

Also, would you settle for Blaziken?

I don't even understand the appeal in Blaziken, it's just a standard starter pokemon.

"Besides, you know how voice chat would rape the bandwidth and cause lag? You have no fucking idea how wifi works."

Considering how a lot of online games have headset support now, it should pretty much mandatory for games like Brawl to have headset support.

"I personally like the anonymity since I can just fight people."

That could have always just been one of the optional ways users could play the game. Besides, if you don't want to talk with users on a headset, you could always just either not buy one or unplug it when you don't feel like hearing anyone.

Come to think of it, doesn't Pokemon Diamond and Pearl? It's not really mandatory though, you're just too demanding.

Hmmmm, right now thinking about the Wii. I don't really want to adquire Wii Sports. What do you think, will be a pack with SSBB those Xmas? Im hoping.

I don't know if it'll be in Europe for Christmas...

maleduck says:
Is a Wii the only next-gen console you own Rupee? Nintendo is the only way I go. BTW if you get Brawl I'll be happy to fight you on Wi-Fi.

Jul. 20, 2007 | 10:16 PM RupeeClock responds:
PROVIDED that Brawl gets online, sure. :)

Yes, I only own a Wii, the 360 doesn't interest me too much but it would be nice to own one.
The PS3 can go fuck itself with it's £425 price tag, even without such a high price I wouldn't want one since I've never been a fan of sony games, and sony have done some awful things lately like shut down lik-sang.
Would you still like to Brawl online? :D

Yes, yes I would.

Woot! I wanna play a game with the Rupee Clock! :D

As for the no chat things? Blah, set up a laptop next to you and use an IRC or TeamSpeak. No big deal there.

And I should assume that you're going to be getting SSBB December 4th?

This is gonna be great. :D

Are you also assuming that I'm American?

i have three thoughts in mind about this...
O M G!!!!!
nitendo has created(creating.) a wonderful thing.
i mean really, who doesnt wanna beat up a sandbag while they wait....well.....AWESOME!!!

Although Wiis have gernerally have bad graphics (let me remind you this is a Next Gen game console) I Super Smash Bros. Dojo looks pretty cool.

They're not bad graphics dude, you're just expecting too much of a next gen system.

if only they'd put the good sides of the the Wii and PS3, the X360 would be perfect! sadly, they haven't ='(

DUDE! they just uploaded SNAKE!

Uh duh, I find out like every morning. :3

I'll be-a kickin' some ass in Dec. You'll just have to wait, Rupee!

Btb: I might wanna join the CC one day, after my latest is done. You got any advice?

dear lord, Rupee, how many movies did you blam?! and how much exp do you get for voting for 1 movie?

Uh, I blammed 15,470 movies, duh.
And I get 2 EXP for voting on one movie just like everyone else...

I heard a rumor that snake for the metal gear solid series was supposed to be in this one. You heard anything about that?

Rumour nothing, it's confirmed already.

Hey man Wi-Fi is great!
I can't wait till Bral comes!

i got you a present :)

its on ma page........you will likey

Rupee, when u get brawl, can u please BATTLE ME?
please i'm such a fan of the Clock Crew.
So, oh and i'm not a nooby fan boy, i'm just a regular clockfriend that wishes 2 battle
u, what do u say?
clock speakonia OFF.bye-bye.