View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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So WindowsBlinds 6 came out.

Posted by RupeeClock - October 3rd, 2007

If you've ever heard of WindowsBlinds, it's a skinning utility for Windows XP and Vista.
Ordinarily I'd prefer using Uxthemes, but NOBODY made a worthwhile Vista Uxtheme skin, at least not until it was broken by a windows update that is. (The problem actually lies in the skin files.)

Anyhow, I got Windows Blinds 5 a while ago, and I was entitled to version 6 which just came out, very nice.
Immediately there's a REALLY nice skin called Classic that comes packaged together, it comes in a icky yellow, and a REALLY AWESOME BLUE, it's actually coloured like XP but looks like Vista in some respects, eitherway it's really nice.
Initially the skin is too saturated, but thankfully you can modify the skin colours quite easily to your preferences, I reduce their richness and it looks awesome.
But what really takes the cake is that you can modify the transparency for the individual elements, the taskbar, rightclick menu, start menu and window frames, and really well. (And because I have Vista, I get blurring options!)

So after messing about with it, wow, you get a really awesome desktop, I'm going to enjoy this for a long time.
They did a great job with updating it, this nicely demonstrates that Vista can actually do some great graphical work from a third party.

(See full scale)

So WindowsBlinds 6 came out.


Eh, What exactly were you doing there, Rupee?

I opened a number of windows to demonstrate what my desktop looks like.
Calculator is popular in making desktop screenshots because it has buttons.

Yeah, I see, but what the hell is Gillface?

That's "Green Lanturn Face"
It's just the Green Lanturn pulling a funny face.
And I just chose the image as something to show in MSpaint.

ooooo....windows vista looks pretty...i think ill stick with XP for now.

You do know that you could have the exact same thing that I have without Vista right? It's just Windows Blinds.
Although you wouldn't get the blurring effect.

windows vista is super pretty...shiney...I see your little nintendo icon right there :)

Yeah, I store my Nintendo related files for my flashcart on there.
Like my homebrew roms and tools.

Isn't the green lanturn black? or is that just here?

There's more than one green lanturn, and the one if the recent Justice League tv show is.

i really like the backround where did you get it

http://frnak.deviantart.com/art/V ista-Aurora-43015898

um... just a quick question, I noticed you live in England... so... Do American devices work in the U.K. or not, 'cause I've been wondering for a while.

Depends what devices you're talking about.

where exactly did you find windowsblinds?

For fucks sakes man, why do you think I deleted your comment?

It's called GOOGLE, common sense.

That looks cool. too bad i don't have windows. :( But i have gone a crappy version at my school. IT SUCKS.

If you don't have Windows, what do you have?

I wonder what's that Lucario.txt :3

It's open right there on the desktop you know.

You can even what's in it, just EV's and IV's.

I have a mac. I told you this when you were talking about firefox ( which i got today :P ).
Anyways, Firefox rules.

Ya...i just got windows blind 6 today, i choose the molten one cause it looks plain pimpin with the bar and i a got a vista...erm....i dunno 3 days ago? it rocks my socks off.