View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Missing the old NG already?

Posted by RupeeClock - July 19th, 2007

Seems just like yesterday, the portal was much more simple with the good old flash banner and fewer options, and the oh so useful castvote(5);.

...Well, more like 2 days ago actually, haha.

Regardless, as much as many of us love the new NG, do any of you yearn for the good old NG with simple 30 levels and design?

I personally am very thankful to see the stupid level 30 rule gone, of how he deposits makes the requirements go up for each level, this was extremely unfair especially since this one individual from many years ago was so badly effecting all of the newer members.
The old design in itself, was still extremely pleasing however, but I love this one even more.

Share your thoughts, I'm already interested in them.

Oh, and for your amusement, here's my cat.

Missing the old NG already?


What sick bastard puts glowing-eyed cats in bags?

Also, I personally find the new layout a lot more lighter in comparison to the dark and rusty old layout, which makes everything seem so less serious (thankfully) and a lot more about seemingly having fun, which is a major psychological improvement and could possibly change most of the users attitudes if what I think will happen happens.

You got a point, having fun is the primary reason to be here. :)
I don't like the showcasing of specific series on the portal banner though, that's just saying "Make these movies to conform" and in other words, discourage original content.

Well...I like the new Newgrounds better, but I kind of just got used to it and now it is all different again. I guess older members like more levels now, but I am indifferent about it. I'm not sure what the Fab Aura means though. Do you know?

BTW Nice cat. It looks cute. What kind is it?

The fab aura exists because of Stamper and his silly personality of posting LOTS of gay stuff.

Fab means fabulous, a phrase generally associated with homosexuality, or around here, being really silly.

And you know, I really have no idea what kind of cat he is.

Sorry for double commenting, but I feel that the new banner simply salutes some of the more famous characters of newgrounds. They do represent the site pretty much. I don't think it is telling them to make movies of them.

More famous characters? I have no fucking idea who that green blob is, there hasn't been a salad fingers movie in months, same for Jerry Jackson, Foamy has lost a lot of popularity as a controversial character and little alien hominid content has made itself known lately.

My point is that everyone shares different opinions, hell, NG doesn't exactly own Salad Fingers, RAB or Weebl and Bob and they glorify these characters as though they were NG exclusives, they're not.

I kinda like this one better, it automatically(spelling) deposits your xp when you vote on 5 movies, but the fact that you can't use the go to random flash movie/game sucks. But yeah, the end of the 30 level rule is a good thing, and Pimp has to level all over again lol.

But, Pico is less featured on NG now, but we will see him a lot in PD08(Pico Day 2008).

The auto-depositing is nice, but I miss physically doing it myself fr some reason.
No random submission also sucks. :(

Yeah, Pico is certainly less featured, he was not THAT featured to begin with.
Tom is even thinking of changing Pico day to NG day or something, to feature the other original NG mascots.

Oh, and just so you know, the green blob on the portal front page is from "Red Diamond Dragon Club" by Marc M., which is amazingly funny (although I guess it's there to represent all of Marc's flashes).

Never heard of either them.

Well, maybe the new banner is there to represent the diverse amount of things sumbited to Newgrounds using all sorts of different characters. This is "Everything by Everyone" right?

Yes, this is everything by everyone, and that banner is popular characters by a select few authors, sheesh.

You put up a good debate. OK I admit defeat. lol I still don't feel like that was the message that was trying to be sent with the banner. Just ignore it if it bothers you so much...though it is hard to ignore when it is right in your face when you go to the flash portal...

Yeah, but at the very least, we have StrawberryClock on both that banner, and on the collection page. :)

Not to mention the StrawberryClock wallpaper.

Heh I like the new NG, but i kinda grew used to the old one. ah well, that's what happens when you upgrade something i guess. I still hajavascript:NewsPosts.GetPost(3406).
Leave It!ve to update mine.

Lol you bought your cat XD

Haha, psychology.

Your cat looks dead and lifeless. Also, how do you get your voices to sound like Stephen Hawking in your flashes?

Pfft, far from it, that's just a still photo of it attacking the inside of the bag.

Oh, and computerised voices are done with speech synthesis tools, the popular choice is Speakonia because of a variety of voices and it's free.

ZOMG some one has changed my comment!
Lol if its a user feature i'd say its cool XD

You mean the code in there? You didn't post that?
In which case, there's been a bug in the submission form, I should check to see if this bug is known.

no i didn't write that code.
Heh i guess Tom and the NG staff got another bug in their "Remove Bugs" list

Poor guys XD

Haha, yeah.
I've left details about it on Bob's bug list, I'm unsure if this is a bug or not, he'll be able to figure it out.

Say when is Clockday?
I was thinking to work on a Clockday Movie but i wish to know if the preloader is up already

Clockday is august 15th, as always.
But there still is no official preloader, but don't let that stop you from making a movie.

Then It's official....
I have to make a new character in my upcoming flash movie...It has to be a clock

Well, good luck with that.

Yeah... I sort of miss the old NG....
Also, your cat scares me. :[

the new layout rocks its alot easyer to deal with the movies now on the old layout id have to turn off my pop up blocker just to watch but now you dont even really have a seprate window and all dose crappy adds for those fucking smileys are gone now! :)

the cat has perfect blue eyes.........IT DISTURBS ME!