View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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38,940 / 100,000
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Rupee's Revenge

Posted by RupeeClock - August 15th, 2009

Sorry to say but I haven't got a clockday movie this year, I just wasn't in the mood.
But someone else decided to make me all angsty and shoot up the clockcrew in Rupee's Revenge, love it.

It's weird that I'm still in the clockday banner, you'd think they'd replace that. I don't think Strange has been involved in the clockcrew for years either.

Edit: Glad to see it got on the frontpage.
Edit: Wow, it was up there for a good 9 days too.

Rupee's Revenge


daw you make me blush.

Looky that, it got frontpaged too. :)

that bomb part is amazing

Highlight of the show

I think the reason why you and Strange Clock are still on that banner is pretty obvious. You guys are like the most successful clocks the CC has ever had. Even though you didn't make a movie this year, its nice to see that NG still has respect for you. Why do you think "Rupee's Revenge" was made? Cause the author knew that your fans would watch it. I saw it too as well. It didn't make my favorites but I liked the effort put into it.

Sure me and Strange were very recognisable clocks to the NG audience, but I certainly wasn't the best, not by any means.

I can't see how any clock member or Newgrounds member could forget about you so quickly. After flash movies like the CC's humble beginnings and all. On another note the way your clock looked and all was interesting and memorable, unlike a fair amount of locks.

Happy clock day you fur fag.

Not everyone in the CC liked my stuff, or me for that matter.
Actually for a large part of what the CC is today, I don't think they like me.

After some circumstances of disagreement they permabanned me, they unbanned me shortly after but I haven't been back since.

Ha ha, I didn't see that movie coming!

Congrats on placing 10th today. ;)

Sup :D

Sup. :)

I just had to check your userpage to see if you've seen the movie, awesome right?


that was great!

I don't know what in the world happened that got you permabanned and everything, but I don't hold anything against you, and never found any reason to.

Happy Clock Day anyway.

Well, how long has it been since Strawberry Clock uploaded anything?

Regardless, people like your stuff most likely because it's actually coherent.

Well, actually it's been 4 days.

Hope you get in the mood to make more Flashes soon. :c

Hey, I just wanted to tell you, nice Flipbook Animation that you made on the Dsi ;)

Man I've never tought that I would find you there outside from newgrounds xD

I'm seeing a pattern in your submissions. They've become less and less frequent. Have you begun to lose interest in animating?

Oh heavens no, it's just I don't know if I want to animate for Newgrounds again after the CC fiasco.

Rupee, you're my favorite clock. Because so many clocks exit the clockcrew either traumatized or criminally insane. but you manged to leave with fucking integrity. THATS what I love about you. You swam through an ocean of ignorance and hate behind a conspiracy of lies and evil, and reached the shore triumphantly. You are my hero. I wish that you will keep making movies in spite of the clockcrew to continue to let them know you don't need them. and I guarantee you that most of them will beg for your return. In which you should deny to show them that its their fault for the way they treated you. Please, Please don't give up. Because if you do, then I won't know what to believe in anymore.

One thing about you has always intrigued me. You used to be an amazing B/Per, but you suddenly stopped so close to EGSC. Why?

It gets boring eventually, especially since a lot of under judgement content is stuff I grew sick off like group-feuds and spam trying to beat the system and annoy everyone.

These days it seems like lots of companies are just using the portal to throw in adverts into badly made flash games.

do you think of yourself as having left the clock crew now or just an inactive member seeing as you've stopped participating in clockday
