So, I recently bought myself a SNES Retroport, a basic SNES to USB adapter that lets me use my old SNES pad on my PC, it's great.
I think a lot of people would agree in that the SNES pad is actually one of the best designed controllers ever, given it's age, even today the DS uses the exact same button set up (although the start and select buttons are moved, everything else is the same.)
I've been trying it out on a number of different applications, and it's worked great so far.
1: The pad is ideal for DS emulation, because of the identical button setup, no$gba can use it very well, I'm playing Phoenix Wright on my PC, hah.
New Super Mario Bros plays well too, I'll likely take a whole bunch of screenshots too.
2: Naturally, SNES emulation works great with a SNES pad.
...I mean that's a no brainer, Super Mario All stars on my PC with a great display, yes please!
3: GBA emulation is good too, obviously.
I'd mostly just use this for recording gameplay footage these days.
4: combined with Joy2Key means I can easily play a large number of NES games at a whim with a good controller, and because of 4 spare buttons (X Y L R) I can assign some extra keys, say like use L and R for better Start and Select buttons, and set some auto-fire buttons as well.
5: Oddly enough, playing Super Smash Bros on an N64 emulators is pretty fun with a SNES pad.
I was never a big fan of analogue sticks, although I'm good with those on Melee, make no mistake.
Yeah, I have a feeling I'm going to love this SNES pad for a long time, no extra software needed either, great stuff.
1.where did u get the connecter and
2. hwo fun is it
1: I got it from here. d/store.html
2: Uh, I think I kinda explained that.
Of course it's useless to you if you don't have a SNES pad to begin with, it's just an adapter for the PC.