View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Lucario CONFIRMED for brawl through Sticker leak!

Posted by RupeeClock - January 21st, 2008

Oh fuck yes! Oh fuck yes!!

It looks like Nintendo slipped up, and accidentally let Lucario, Ness and Jigglypuff be seen in their latest trailer!

Look at the image posted below, it's a screenshot from the official Nintendo video, accompanied with a reference of Lucario for proof.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=pfb2l-iY lRo

This just makes me VERY happy, I've wanted Lucario in Brawl for a long time.

Edit: Today's update was the pokémon Manaphy, but interestingly, Sakurai noted about it being in a movie, and even did the body swap thing that it did in the movie too.
That only acts as credibility for Lucario's inclusion.

Lucario CONFIRMED for brawl through Sticker leak!


=O triple =o ive been waiting so looong for brawl and now this!?!? STOP TEMPTING MEEE! but anyways i cant use my wii now becuase my ferret chewed up the wires

Well, just get some replacement cables.

I hope he didn't chew the power cable though, that's never fun.

Are you sure? I didn't see him in the video, maybe I need to look harder. But it would kinda make sense. The first game had two pokemon characters, the second game had four pokemon characters, and if what you say is true, then they will havesix pokemon characters. Plus, Lucario kicks ass, why wouldn't add someone like him!!

congratulations having your wanted char playable ;P mine aren't :( ( stafy, waluigi. )

I don't know who stafy is much, except that he's had a lot of popular GBA games with a big Wario cameo too.

Waluigi on the other hand, I've only heard that people don't like him, and he's only a filler character, but hey! Apparently he has an AWESOME assist trophy!

Oh crap, I found it. Your right. But he may be a secret character. For the developers aren't announcing any secret characters on the official website.

It's possible they will be as the game is release, I believe that happened with melee.

Haha! I just came to newgrounds to tell you about it. Seems you found out though =D

I think he'll be cool in the game. Supposedly he's replacing Mewtwo

Oh I forgot to mention, this was discovered last night by someone on GameFaqs. About 2 hours later, Nintendo re-uploaded the video and those pics were gone lol

Tons of people seen it though, theres even a petition that people signed that they saw it XD

We love you Nintendo Japan XD

Glad you got your char Rupee, he looks like he'll be interesting too ^^

On the Wii.com version, they are not there. Removed maybe?

Yup, removed..

Nintendo probably realised their mistake of updating the video just for the stickers, and tried to cover it up as soon as possible, but failed.

AWESOME!!! Lucario kicks ass!

i have his DS version :P ( stafy, there's a hidden peach suit too :D ) and i think it's great, a lot of humour ( stafy going super saiyan for example ) and that waluigi's an extremely strong AT is confirmed, happy brawling, by the way, seeing you imported it and not checking this out very soon :P

MY B? really? It took them THIS long?

check the smashbros.com they might have more news on this on monday