I'm not really the kind to do fan-art, but this thought just got stuck in my head and I needed to get it out.
I'm embarrassed to have made this but at the same time I want to show it off, what a conundrum.
So basically, I couldn't stop thinking if they eat pokémon in the world of pokémon, and how one might re-act to the concept of doing so (especially if they're both similar in someway, say like, canine.)
http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/175 2/lucariodinnerdk1.gif
Huh, why the obsession with Lucario since I got Brawl...
Edit: Comments about the comic, not Brawl please.
nice pic...HES IN BRAWL!
And he's a damn good fighter in brawl too, he really is.