View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

University Student

University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Why the fuck did I make this?

Posted by RupeeClock - February 8th, 2008

I'm not really the kind to do fan-art, but this thought just got stuck in my head and I needed to get it out.

I'm embarrassed to have made this but at the same time I want to show it off, what a conundrum.

So basically, I couldn't stop thinking if they eat pokémon in the world of pokémon, and how one might re-act to the concept of doing so (especially if they're both similar in someway, say like, canine.)

http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/175 2/lucariodinnerdk1.gif

Huh, why the obsession with Lucario since I got Brawl...

Edit: Comments about the comic, not Brawl please.

Why the fuck did I make this?


nice pic...HES IN BRAWL!

And he's a damn good fighter in brawl too, he really is.

1337 indeed1

It's pretty good actually. You're lucky Brawl was released in the UK. We got delayed to March 9th!!!! >:(

What on earth are you talking about? I had to pay up $400 to import it from japan.

wait wouldn't tails & his gba be considered fanart or am I a douchebag?

Well, that's a fan movie, not fan art.

I heard someone say Brawl was released in the UK >.<

I'd go fucking nuts if that were true, but the UK still doesn't have a release date. :\

Lucario seems like a good character, but i really want to have a wolf vs. Fox and falco stage. With the star wolf music, do they have the star wolf music?

Yeah, Star Wolf theme is in there.

First it was December 9. Then February 9, Now March 9.

Supply and demand...

So Lucario is pretty good eh?My friend thinks Snake will be pretty good. I guess I'll be finding out soon.
(Cause if they delay one more fucking time....)

How's Sonic? lol

December 3rd, February 10th, March 9th, just to clarify.

Snake is fairly good, he's an unusual fighter in that his smash moves are actually more like special moves.

Sonic is good, he's nothing amazing though but with mastering, he could be good.


Id suck his footies off :3~

Uh, sure, the internet is your haven for messed up shit like that.

Rule 34 and all.


Shit, I didn't even LOOK for this and it still turned up.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=C5n d7UFC1I0

wdf is brawl!?!? ...that pic is pretty cool tho..

You know, Super Smash Brothers Brawl?

Look it up, amazing game.

Damn $400? The Japanese are up to something!

That's just the cost of importing.

But to a British guy like me, that's £200, actually cheaper than a Wii and a game here.

Stewed growlithe?! *Reigurgitates* now I know how Lucario feels...


This comment is too funny to delete.

I agree regarding the deletion

Welcome back rupee btw Glad you're past your spoiler phase now that you've got Brawl and all :P

Interesting, err.... comic.... Yeah..... CANNIBALISM

Which reminds me of something I though about the other day. Munchlax walks around the stage when you release him from a pokeball. From there, he eats items on the stage. What does it mean if he eats a pokeball....


He won't eat pokéballs.

You know, what I found out yesterday at google images looking for what does means some words...

Let's not bring that up, shall we?

I remember an episode of pokemon where Ash used his pokedex on a Farfetch'd, and it sais there in dangered because people eat them like ducks...
Well, on the other hand, Farfetch'd IS a "Wild Duck" pokemon.

Good point, they clearly do eat some pokémon then.

Would growlithe taste good or bad? and for that matter can i make an eggsecute omlet?

I've wondered about them eating pokemon. I know that it said that one pokemon was rare because people eat it. It seems kinda weird that some people train pokemon whiles eat them.

Well, animals do seem to be scarce in the world of pokémon, although I have seen plain old fish in the Cerulean city gym.

it's really funny! Why would you be embarresed?

Well, it's POKÉMON.

There's no reason to get embarrassed over playing Pokemon. I'm a gigantic Pokefag & the fact that so many people hate it doesn't bother me one bit.

Haha, good point.

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