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11 Game Reviews w/ Response

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Hooray, information taken from the FAQ...

I'm sorry but this was lack-luster and at times the information was poorly presented and based purely on opinion rather than fact.

This is ALL stuff that can be found in the FAQs and as such the information in there is far more accurate than this is, and more fair, your listed rules for reviewing don't even cover all of the guidelines.

The quizzes are absolute jokes, especially the B/p one that says you should vote 5 because someone popular or from a crew submitted a movie, and then blam someone from another crew (Banana_Clock)

I mean come on, you're telling people how to vote, you can't do that!
You might think that by telling people this that you're helping them, but you're just damaging the voting system on Newgrounds which already dodgy because of stat-whores.

As far as the design goes it's not very appealing, most of the time it's literally just boring repeating backgrounds of downloaded images from wherever with times new roman text over it, there's no coherent shape or format, it's just randomly dropped onto the frame. :\

And the music is just a choice of songs you liked, some of them don't hold too much relevance to Newgrounds.

I advise you don't even attempt to improve this, there are ENOUGH flash movies on here telling people information in the FAQs, it's absolutely asinine...

You can however work on your design skills, there are lots of ways to improve the appearance of your information, for starters it's a good thing that you've got very readable text, but it doesn't look too nice, simple things like a nice modern font like Arial on a semi-transparent shape like a rounded rectangle over a background is a good improvement for example, as well has providing borders for each individual button.

Don't give up on making flash, but avoid re-doing existing ideas like this one.

highwatermark responds:

Well thanks for your opinion, and sorry that it's too stat-whorish.

Stop ripping off Nintendo, seriously.

First you ripped off Wario Ware's 3 second minigame engine, and now you ripped off the connect the dots minigame from Kirby DS, for gods sakes.

Still, not badly done, but not well done either, having to do everything in a singlestroke is a real piss take when I try to do this on my tablet, and if a quick demonstration of the direction of the line was shown before we draw (like on Kirby's DS minigame) that would make things a lot easier because the number system makes things hard to see, otherwise, not a bad game, but the scribbler level thing at the end? It's not everyday you get to use a HTML code and all, that I like.

I reckon I should play this a bit more, it might be good practice for my tablet.

jmtb02 responds:

Well, we could all draw conclusions that this game looks like another game, but then could we blame Nintendo for ripping off the creator of connect-the-dots? Lets think about this for a moment.

What I don't quite understand is why everyone is so bent on games that function similar to other games. Granted, that their have been a million platformers and that there have been even more racing games, but we continue to say "oh, this game looks like another, its rubbish!"

Given, Johnny Rocketfingers functioned just like the old LucasArts games, or that Dad'n'Me was just like the beatem ups that preceded it. You got to realize that games are going to be like other games, whether you like it or not. Sure, there is originality in this world, and I try to put them in my games at all expense as much as I can. But when one tiny characteristic of a game fits another, people feel pissed. Sure, I have seen that kirby drawing game, but was it the same game? Try playing it again, and tell me what you think. If anything, creativity is being compromised now that people worry about everything they put into their game being a rip-off of something else.

Yes, Four Second Frenzy/Fury was in the same genre of microgaming as Wariowares, but to blame the entire game as a "Nintendo Ripoff" is a bit much, right? Just because the games were each short, does not mean I ripped off the games directly, or made an effort to emulate every single game play style. I wanted so badly not to have that game series compared to Wariowares, but yet, it still happens. And if the games were one minute long, they would be compared to Mario Party. And even longer, and they would be compared to even more games.

I guess I just wanted to show you the pickle I am in. Where am I to go when I get so many reviews that I am ripping other games off? I'm not trying to lecture you are anything, but just to let you see my perspective on all of this.


I have a better soundboard...

It's called Speakonia, and it has an unlimited number of soundclips which I can modify freely. >_>;;

Seriously, I hate soundboards, but to make a soundboard out of digitally created voices is, lazy... ANYBODY could do it, and asides from that, the rest wasn't any good either.

For one, the Graphic User Interface is nothing pretty to look at, a bad use of colours, buttons thrown anywhere on the menu.

And another problem is the extras, it consists of JUST 4 pictures from the clockcrew.

Seriously, a pretty bad job, the voices don't even sound like StrawberryClock.

Frenzy responds:

1'st Paragraph:

Yes, it's called Speakonia (duh). Great. You can modify them freely.

2'nd Paragraph:

Well, it's to bad you hate soundboards. It's not lazy to create a soundboard out of digitally created voices. A lot of wrk goes into making one of these, and (pretty much) obviously you don't understand that. I used Speakonia because then people can have waht they want, when they want. Not anybody could do it, it requires some certain talent. Also, I wanted all fo the sounds in one soundboard, so people wouldn't have to type them out hurriedly; they already have them.

3'rd Paragraph:

The colurs are really just personal opinion. I was going to divide the various sounds into categories, but then I wanted to put more sounds in, and I didn't want to make then widnow to big, so I just didn't. Also, the buttons weren't really thrown anywhere on the menu.

4'th Paragraph:

Yes, I know I should have included more extras; I admit to that (sorry about that, everyone). I just didn't really have the time!

5'th Paragraph:

Considering, a quote written by you, 'I hate soundboards', it's kind of obvious that you are not going to like this soundboard, or any otehr one, fi you are serious that you hate them. I made the voices not sound like Strabweery Clock because there are already some Strawberry Clock soundboards out there. Too bad that you didn't like it.

Holy crap, Mode 7 in flash?

I am severely impressed man, you coded some mode 7 into flash like that? That's amazing!

It's not the babe I care for, but the fact someone did Mode 7 in flash, atonished! I had no idea such things were possible! :D

Newsdee responds:

Thanks! Flash is very fast and can do many things actually, although sometimes you have to insist until you find the right optimization for what you want to do...

A worthy cause but I think I have a better way.

As much as this tutorial is good, it won't stop someone from right clicking and going to the last frame with the replay button.

What you want to do is place a movieclip on the very first 2 frames on the top player above ALL other graphics, before the preloader even and inside the movieclip you want to make the firstframe use this actionscript

LC = new LocalConnection();
if(LC.domain() == "BAD LINK") {



And of course, you put on the second frame whatever you want like "Stop theive my work" or maybe some actionscript that redirects the the famous eBaums world dot com animation, or of course, the picture of the ass. Leave the first frame blank, all that does is find if the swf is hosted on eBaums world or not.

You also want to place a second movieclip inside the movieclip on the second frame, that contains two keyframes with this actionscript


What'll happen is if the swf is hosted on eBaums world, the movieclip will cover everything else inside the flash permanently and will not allow anyone to view the flash, not even by right clicking.

Still a very worthy cause however your method and simple for those who are beginners with flash.

The only problem with this is, Eric Bauman has been known to decompile flash files before, so effectively he could remove the "ass" actionscript altogether.

influensi responds:

You misread the tutorial. The frame at the end is FOR the picture, so that people won't accidentally see it. The first frame, be it a preloader or whatever, just has the extra actionscript tacked on. When it runs, if the movie is stolen, it will skip to the end: Asspicture. If not, it won't do anything. If someone tries to rewind to the Replay frame and start again, the script will re-execute and dump them back at the end. Read the tutorial over again and you'll see where you misread it. Besides, simply visually blocking the flash would be even easier for Eric to remove; he only needs to delete a symbol through a swf debug program. If the actionscript is sufficiently obfuscated, it would take more time and effort than he would deem nessicary.

Very clever man, this ain't no chat. ;)

Haha, you think I wouldn't figure this out? This is no real chat. It's nothing more than a load of constantly randomly generated strings that you can contribute to, none of these people even bother to talk to you except for when you make your name.

Heck, the messages kept on coming on in when I blocked all traffic with my firewall! Haha!

You sure got me though, I thought it was real at first! This makes for a great aprils fools joke or something!

liam0 responds:

I know, thanks for the awesome review!

Interesting little application...

This certainly makes out to be an interesting little application in that it takes simple values from your input and devides them and adds them together, simple but it works, especially when it's well designed.

Apparently my account at the time of this review is worth $198.97, which is very nice to know.

I think if you were admin your account would definatly be worth more than $200 though, for a site that makes so much money... Mod for $50 sounds about right though.

scottmale24 responds:

Okay. I'll change it.


Wow, I'm impressed, I love the elements you've worked together, It works so well! EXCEPT, there was an unusual glitch right at the begining of the game, Megaman couldn't shoot properly, not even a fully charged beam could kill a stupid Metool! I was forced to resort to using the instant kill button, I have no idea why this is, all that happened was I tryed to shoot, and the bullet showed for a second then disapeared immediatly.

As for the glitch where you get stuck in the wall, this hasn't happened to me but I presume that it has to do with those horizontal beams on the second part of the level? I have an idea as to how you could stop this, make a little invisable object where the beam meets the wall that will repel you if say, you're in a north polarity beam the invisable object will have an equal south polarity and you will not get stuck in the wall, something that can push you out of the wall if you get stuck, hope that helps.

Frankenroc responds:

I'm interested in hearing more about these bugs, as I want to correct them and such. Please find me either on AIM or my Yahoo email account - name is easy to figure out on both... haha.

This is the same, you didn't improve it at all.

This is the exact same soundboard you submitted yesterday, and I don't see any improvements, and this is still useless because I could go and download a speech program and easily imitate your voice, who am I going to prank this with? You aren't that well known...

Coolboyman doesn't even have anything to do with this does he?

RastaClock responds:

BTW i have improved it i aded more buttons and i cangd the font's and colours

Oh noes. :'(

You removed the game because you weren't getting any response? Oh noes, I feel bad for not noticing this earlier. :'(

Well, at least it was a very nice font you used, yep that was a cool font, I'll always remember that font.... btw, its spelt further, not futhur, just so you know. :)

Boojamon responds:

Oh well. Sorry for that. You wouldn't have liked it anyway. It was baaaaad. (in the bad sense)

I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

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University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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