Hooray, information taken from the FAQ...
I'm sorry but this was lack-luster and at times the information was poorly presented and based purely on opinion rather than fact.
This is ALL stuff that can be found in the FAQs and as such the information in there is far more accurate than this is, and more fair, your listed rules for reviewing don't even cover all of the guidelines.
The quizzes are absolute jokes, especially the B/p one that says you should vote 5 because someone popular or from a crew submitted a movie, and then blam someone from another crew (Banana_Clock)
I mean come on, you're telling people how to vote, you can't do that!
You might think that by telling people this that you're helping them, but you're just damaging the voting system on Newgrounds which already dodgy because of stat-whores.
As far as the design goes it's not very appealing, most of the time it's literally just boring repeating backgrounds of downloaded images from wherever with times new roman text over it, there's no coherent shape or format, it's just randomly dropped onto the frame. :\
And the music is just a choice of songs you liked, some of them don't hold too much relevance to Newgrounds.
I advise you don't even attempt to improve this, there are ENOUGH flash movies on here telling people information in the FAQs, it's absolutely asinine...
You can however work on your design skills, there are lots of ways to improve the appearance of your information, for starters it's a good thing that you've got very readable text, but it doesn't look too nice, simple things like a nice modern font like Arial on a semi-transparent shape like a rounded rectangle over a background is a good improvement for example, as well has providing borders for each individual button.
Don't give up on making flash, but avoid re-doing existing ideas like this one.