View Profile RupeeClock
I might be interested in doing a TGF2 game sometime, I used to make them all the time before I began flash animation.

Age 35, Male

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University of Portsmouth

UK - Portsmouth

Joined on 8/31/04

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Lucario Moveset // SleepEasy, my Clock day movie!

Posted by RupeeClock - August 10th, 2007

Today's blog post is a two for one special offer, first off I've felt like constructing a move set for a character I hope will make it into Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Lucario! Secondly, I'll be explaining a little about my upcoming Clockday movie called SleepEasy.


As you may know, Lucario is one of the more popular pokémon of the 4th generation, Diamond and Pearl, he was one of the few pokemon to be announced early and even features his own movie, along with telepathy and unique powers, as such I've taken some of these qualities into consideration, and designed a quick moveset for him.
A moveset, simply put is a set of actions and attacks that characters can do in a fighting game.

B - Aura sphere attack, charges like Mewtwo's Shadow ball, can be launched and then directed slightly with the control stick.
(This is Lucario's signature move, it features predominantly in his movie and he learns it at level 37. Mewtwo can also learn it at level 100.)

Forward B - Force Palm, hard to hit enemies with bunch successful hits leave opponents temporarily stunned, use to advantage, grab then, combo them, smash them, etc.
(A simple fighting type move from the game that can cause paralysis.)

Down B - Counter, blocks enemy attack with aura powers and repel it back at them, doubles % damage
(Another simple in game move)

Up B - Quick Attack, just like Pikachu's quick attack (but obviously, not an electric attack as mistakenly done in Melee)
(ANOTHER simple in game move that has already been translated for Smash bros)

Final Smash - Lucario manipulates aura to heighten his senses, which slows down gameplay for everyone except Lucario, doing so allows Lucario to make easy hits until he tires from using aura for the rest of the match.
(Watching the movie, the power of Aura makes Lucario extremely good at dodging enemies and landing attacks, he can see beyond greater distances that with his eyes and sense people quite easily.)

Throw Forward - Strongly jumps forward and throws enemy whilst in mid-air
Throw Backward - Flips over his shoulders and fires two small Aura spheres from his hands
Throw Down - Strongly jumps up, flips and kicks down with legs
Throw Up - Simply throw into air
Grab attack - Slaps foe with back of hand (given the large spike, that would hurt.)
(The throwing attacks take into consideration that Lucario shows extremely skilled jumping techniques in the movie, and according to Riolu's pokédex entry, which is his pre-evolution, they can easily scale mountains.)

So, what do you people think of my moveset for Lucario? I think it could be pretty good, additionally, Lucario is a sweeper in the games, meaning he has high offence and speed, but low defence, this would work in Melee was being able to move and jump fast, and being able to damage pretty easily but additionally be knocked away pretty easily.

And with that, this is why I think Lucario could be an ideal fighter for brawl, in addition to my 10 reasons which I posted in a previous news post of mine.


Ah, clockday, in celebration of the submission of B and how it started the clock crew.
As I did for clockday 2005 and 2006, I have made another movie for the event this year, this time I've decided to try and take a different angle on the animation.

This time, the movie is unrelated to clockday entirely, this is actually because the project was started several months ago but got put on hold because of personal life, it was never intended for clockday, but now I'm glad it did for a few reasons.

First off, this is one of my longest movies to date ranking in at over 7 and a half minutes! Whilst Tails and his GBA 3 is technically longer if you watch both optional scenes, SleepEasy will be a single uninterrupted playback.

Secondly, the movie takes a whole new style of animation for myself, I've decided to switch between my usual tweened animation style, and go for an attempt at Frame by frame animation, this means that a great deal of the animation is redrawn for each frame! :D
Not the entire movie is in FBF, there are parts that are just tweens, and just FBF, even then the FBF is tweened when appropriate.

Thirdly, I feel this is a great improvement in actual developmental story writing for myself, as opposed to being in the same damn location for the entire movie, which was the case for my clockday 06 movie, the location of the movie continuously changes for numerous reasons.

With that being said, I'm sure you're wondering what on earth this movie is about huh?
Alright then!

The basic premise of the movie is that RupeeClock is just sleeping as per normal like he would do any night, at home in his bed room, but whilst he sleeps, someone intrudes his abode, this mysterious person and his mystery accomplice do something to him as he sleeps, and at this time, we get to see inside Rupee's mind and watch as he dreams, and see what on earth these mystery people are doing.
The movie makes a lot of twists, I'm afraid to post anything about it otherwise I may end up spoiling some of the jokes!

As such, I feel this is one of my best works to date, I put a lot of effort into it and I hope you will enjoy it a great deal when I finally submit it on Clockday, August 15th!

In the mean time, you can view the alpha for this submission here. There's no flash demos, just some screen shots.

By the way, whilst I'm submitting this to NG, I've already uploaded the movie to youtube as well, currently the video is set to private on youtube and will be made public at the very beginning of clockday, the flash version will come sometime later in the day.

Now, i'ma end this post with a picture of Lucario, since I like him so much.

Lucario Moveset // SleepEasy, my Clock day movie!


Cant wait to see your movie for ClockDay Rupee! I'm going to be sure to watch it, if I can find it under judgment that is. :P

Also, the Lucario moveset does sound cool, but I don't know about the whole "time slowing down" move. It seems like everyone would play as him and keep slowing down time. But now you've made me want to go back and play Diamond. I'm still trying to catch them all. :p

You know it's called SleepEasy, that won't be hard to find...

And well, it's his FINAL SMASH, you can only do it once apparently, and everyone has the same level of opportunity to use a final smash since it randomly appears.

That sounds Cool, but I would like to see clocks on clockday! It is possible that your submission might be ignored in all the Clock Festivities! But I still want to see it!

My submissions usually get frontpage or something, my past two movies have.

You sure like that picture of lucario, don't you? Anyway, the moveset's nice, he doesn't seem overpowered. I wouldn't know if it fits him though,as I've never seen the movie, and in my opinion, he's just not good for my strategies.

I like the last picture in the alphas page. Is he scared? Anyway, can't wait for it!

Well it depends on many people's strategies doesn't it?

Yup, he's scared in that last picture.

Lucario has to be one of the greatest and most diverse pokemon ever created.

I got Riolu to evolve at level 15, so it'll learn all its best moves right on time. I'll want Aura Sphere for sure, and I thought maybe I'd throw in Psychic to surprise some unexpecting fighting types. :)

I got my Riolu to evolve at level 2. ;)
That way he'll level stronger.

Damn you Rupee, you love too much Lucario XD

Sure do.

Lucario has been confirmed to be a pokeball pokemon, so it's unlikely he'll be playable. He uses Hyper Beam

Hyper beam? No you're thinking of deoxys.

http://www.smashbros.com/en_uk/it ems/mball/mball03.html

For one, I have to agree with Sonuc'. I understand the hype about Lucario, he is the most badass pokemon there is, but this sounds kinda like an obsession >.>. Maybe you could just make a flash with him and stop saying how much you like him and just show it. (Thats not supposed to sound offensive by the way.)

As for the movie for clockday, I am definately going to watch it and I'm sure it is going to be one of your best flashes yet, but that's obvious. Does it involve Lucid Dreaming? I heard about this recently from another flash artist who is working on a movie with that concept.

Well, yes it's an obsession, duh.
I'm not about to make a flash though.

The game seems to be done (at least i think so) so, it's up to luck if he is in the game. Although your move set looks good. Anyway, can't wait till clock day! I look forward to your movie.

Yeah, at this stage of development I imagine almost everything is done, so we'll have to wait and see if he made it or not.

itchy bacon f


f**k this, they just announced the FRANKLIN BADGE

Franklin badge is AWESOME but really, I still want Lucario.

A comment about lucario...can you make a flash of the movesets and lucario...a flash that shows lucario doin all the moves you posted up there.Also instead of doing a quick attack make lucario use extremespeed an attack you learn at about level 90...that would be more original...

I shouldn't have to make a flash to compensate for your lack of imagination.

they now confirmed pokemon trainer and his pokeymans playable O_o

Certainly an interesting update huh?

I just hope Lucario has a chance.

Nice move list :D
bad news thou, its very inprobabl that Lucario enters Brawl. Instead of him they just uploaded that the Pokemon trainer will be in Brawl with the worst idea ever too.
he can swap pokemon and the pokemon have stamina.
Also in bad news i won't be able to finish my clockday movie for this year. sry =(

Sure the pokémon trainer can swap pokemon, but Pikachu still plays by himself, so have Pichu Jigglypuff and Mewtwo.
Don't rule out what was normal before because of an odd addition.

still makes me wonder what pokemon trainer will do in DK's stage :O

He probably just climbs up with everyone else, duh.

I will be sure to watch it on Clock Day. I can't wait! Lucario is pretty cool. ^_^lol

I wasn't sure before, but now you've convinced me that Lucario would be awesome.
If I could have my own character be in brawl (i.e, someone I thought up) it would be a planeswalker (interdimensional traveler) named Michael. He would look like chaos from sonic adventure, only more gaseous and with his skin on fire. Here are what I would make his moves be.

Special moves
B: Shoots a quick blue sphere straight ahead. explodes on impact (landscape counts), hurting anyone near it. Charging it up increases the blast damage and raidus. Can hurt the user. It does very little damage until charged up. it would be called the Aether Sphere.

B Forward: Blade Dance. Right arm turns into a sword and slices in the direction Michael is facing. Can hit up to four times. (I know it's the same as Roy's move, but I like it.)

B down: (on the ground) Shield. creates a impenetrable shield in front of Micheal. The shield stays up as long as B is pressed, but the back and top of Micheal are exposed and he can't attack or move. (In the air) Since Shield is almost useless in the air, Micheal fires a medium-charged Aether Sphere straight down.

B Up: Teleport. does no damage, but teleports up very high (kind of like Farore's wind).

Grab: Micheal's right arm turns into a claw and grabs foes from a distance, then pulls them in. His left arm turns into a spike and can stab the enemy only about three times before they break free. If he throws then he lets go and kicks them into the air, firing three spikes from his left arm as he does so. The spikes then have a slight bit of homing. and hit the person being thrown.

Smash up: He shoots a large burst of fire straight upwards, setting the target on fire and doing significant damage.

Smash left and right: Turns his right arm into a tentacle and whips it out from behind him.

Smash down: Two blue spikes stick up from the ground on either side of him.

FINAL SMASH: Supernova. Creates a explosion that covers most of the screen and deals large damage to everything in its path.

He would handle like sheik on his normal moves, being great at combos but not much else. His smash attacks would do good damage but wouldn't knock foes very far until about the third one in a row.

that a really cool move set for lucario. if he is gonna be in brawl with your moveset he would be really cool to play as him. also i can't wait for your movie tommorow. i just know i'm gonna like it.


Jesus Christ, how many vitamins / massages did you give the thing?!

Lucarios moveset is okay, but you make him jump around, If you want him to, then give him bounce(I don't know if he can learn it though:-P), just have him through people, but just better than most characters.